通过im体育APP的无线芯片组测试和认证服务,快速进入不断发展的市场. Our experts provide independent third-party evaluation, 与芯片组制造商紧密合作,简化复杂需求, detect any issues in your chipsets quickly – and get you to market faster! 我们帮助您避免兼容性和互操作性问题,并确保合规性, supporting you right through from R&D to certification at our state-of-the-art test sites and conformance labs.  


What is wireless chipset testing, and why do you need it? 

无线芯片组存在于许多设备中,从智能手机到无线电设备 物联网设备. 测试这些芯片组需要对其集成电路(ic)进行严格的评估,以确保它们的性能符合预期, 可靠地, and in compliance with industry standards. 芯片组在不同的现实场景中进行测试,以检查它们在各种环境和情况下的表现——比如信号强度, 数据传输, and compatibility with specific networks may be assessed. 

芯片组测试是如此重要,因为无线设备的正常功能, such as radio devices, begins with the integrity of the chipset. For certification and trade into the 全球市场,许多最终产品评估需要在芯片组级别进行正确操作. It’s therefore crucial at the R&在您开始将芯片组纳入无线设备或无线电模块的最终设计之前,请确保您的芯片组处于最佳状态并完全符合所有相关标准.


Benefits of wireless chipset testing with im体育APP

  • Compliance Assurance确保您的芯片组在集成之前符合我们的专家指导, 简化监管复杂性,同时最大限度地降低与生产阶段问题相关的风险和成本.
  • Proactive Issue Detection:及早发现并解决潜在的芯片组问题,包括互操作性和兼容性问题. im体育APP可以帮助您保护您的产品免受昂贵的后硅发现.
  • Rapid, Accessible, Cost-effective 测试: You can move through the testing process swiftly, 我们简化的测试流程,提供快速的周转时间-确保您可以快速进入市场,因为它的发展, 同时保持低成本的所有端到端测试和认证要求的单一提供商. 
  • Keeping you up to date: With evolving industry standards, market progression, and new technologies, im体育APP uses only the most cutting-edge testing methods and expertise. 
  • Comprehensive Functionality Evaluation:通过我们对您的无线芯片组的深入评估,模拟真实世界的场景, covering all end-use bases, and ensuring functionality.


Meeting rising demand for chipset testing in the 5G era 

由于5G网络的复杂要求和性能要求,5G技术的发展大大增加了对芯片组测试的需求. With 5G promising faster speeds, 更低的延迟, and higher reliability, 芯片组测试对于确保为这些网络提供动力的芯片组满足严格的性能标准和互操作性要求至关重要. To keep up with the growing demand for chipset testing in the 5G era, we prioritize cutting-edge testing methodologies and expertise. 通过站在技术进步的最前沿,不断完善我们的知识, 我们可以有效地应对您在5G芯片组测试中不断变化的挑战,为您提供可靠、高效的测试解决方案.



Technical Director - Regulatory Approvals

Read more about Michael

Preparing for radio compliance testing

芯片组测试是准备无线电符合性测试必不可少的第一步. 我们保证您的芯片组在集成到您的无线电产品之前符合标准, detecting compliance-affecting issues or deficiencies. 此过程简化了合规性测试过程,并增加了您获得监管批准的机会. 我们的专家可以帮助您预测和解决法规遵循方面的挑战, 为您的产品进行成功的无线电符合性测试和快速的监管批准铺平道路.


Our wireless chipset testing and certification services and capabilities

  • Assessment of transmitter output 表演
  • Evaluation of transmitter timing
  • Analysis of signal characteristics
  • 测试 of receiver 表演
  • Assessment of receiver sensitivity
  • Semiconductor testing


Why choose im体育APP?

我们全面的独立第三方无线芯片组测试和认证服务使我们能够加速您的产品进入全球市场. Working closely with chipset manufacturers, our R&D试验场地, 在集成到最终的无线电设备或模块之前,一致性实验室确保芯片组级别的基线一致性, minimizing development time and mitigating risk. 

With the ability to provide both chipset testing and certification, 我们使您能够在无线技术im体育平台app下载中自信有效地导航到终端产品开发-我们还提供各种其他 Connected Technologies, Wireless and Radio tests and assessments across our global network which compliment each other; contact our team today to learn more or discuss your requirements.

How is Semiconductor 测试 linked to Chipset 测试?

Semiconductor testing is vital in ensuring the functionality, 表演, and compatibility of chipsets. 半导体测试是评估和验证功能的过程, 表演, 和半导体器件的可靠性,以确保他们符合质量标准和规范. im体育APP的专家可以根据各种半导体设备和材料国际(SEMI)环境标准进行测试, 如SEMI PV23-1011用于光伏组件振动,SEMI D60-0710用于FPD极化膜抗划伤, assisting in product assessment and compliance.

RED and FCC Compliance for IOT Devices

了解更多 with our live webinar recording on the RED and FCC certification process to achieve CE and FCC marking for smart and connected 物联网设备.


5G New Radio - Radio Access 技术 for 5G

5G allows service providers to customize wireless connectivity, a feature that is important to how the Internet of Things operates. 5G同样擅长处理机器对机器(M2M)和人与人之间的通信.


How to Prepare for Radio Compliance 测试?



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Electrical Safety 测试 and 认证

Discover how im体育APP combines its range of electrical testing with EMC, radio, wireless and IoT compatibility services to get your products to market faster.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.